I Hope Phil Collins Doesn't Sussus-sue Us!

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

I have to be honest, as much as I've been blogging about Phil Collins, and kinda ribbing him, I actually like him. The boss and I have been watching the video for Don't Lose My Number regularly since it got posted.

I looked at his site a couple of days ago, and, well I've gotta admit that it's quite. . .lackluster. It could certainly use some work, and I know for a fact that we at LogicMaze could spruce it up significantly. I think Phil deserves better than he's got.

I intend to attempt to get in touch with Mr. Collins and try to appeal to him and let us do his site for a price, which (although I'm sure that it will be great for us) would be marginal for him. We've got a very creative staff here, of which I'm confident. I'm sure that he would be pleased.

I only wish that we had the marketing wherewithall to be in charge of him advertising as well, but that's not happening. . .yet.


On another note: I've been cruising around Wordpress lately when I get writer's block, and I have to say that there are some cool sites on here. Here are a few that have helped me:

Deskbound: It's that perfect cross of crazy and the Onion that I personally love, as some might be able to tell if they read some of my stuff.

Creative Juice: Being in the marketing business, this site helps with just that: creative juices. I don't like to copy other people by any means, but sometimes seeing other people's creativity sends sparks in the ol' melon and things start to work again.

Pigeon Blog: Everybody at work actually had a loooooooong discussion about pigeons on Messenger one day, which lead people to Google it and come up with funny stuff. I happened upon this blog and by far took the cake on funny stuff about pigeons. What are the odds that I would find it again? Crazy. . .


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