Traveltron5000: Notorious Playbot

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

traveltron5000, playbot

Anybody that knows Traveltron5000 as well as I know Traveltron5000 is fully aware of his free-flying swinger ways. He is a notorious player in every sense of the term. I think that he may have taken it too far this time, though.

I was walking along, on my way to get a Chalupa at Taco Bell, when I saw our friend Traveltron5000 on what appeared to be a date. He and his lady friend (I guess, I don't really know the sex/sexual preference of robots) seemed to be having a good time. Not wanting to kill Traveltron5000's mojo, I decided that I would talk to him about it later and go about my business.

I did run into Traveltron5000 two days later though, and couldn't help but ask him about it.

"Hey, Trav, what's up, dude? Who was that I saw you with a couple of days ago? She seemed. . .nice. . ." I said.

"Oh, her? Yeah, she's alright, I guess. . ." he replied, seeming a little less excited than someone who had just started a meaningful relationship would.

"What's up, man, don't you like her?"

"It's business, Mitchell. Business." he said patting me on the back (which hurt quite a lot, considering that he has metal pincers, rather than hands.

I was extremely confused, and couldn't help but inquire further into the situation. As it turns out, Traveltron5000's mistress of the evening was actually one of the Google servers, and he wasn't seeing her out of interest, but actually "playing her for better search engine placement."

Being a good friend, I had to tell him that he had reached a new low and that he should probably call things off as carefully as possible, before it got out of hand and he actually ended up getting banned. Traveltron5000 let out an exasperated sigh. As it turned out, he had already called things off, and it didn't go so well. His intention in going on the date was to do a little sneaky search engine optimization for terms like online travel, online travel site and even a big one like travel. This is not how things went when all was said and done, however. Angry and spiteful, the Google bot actually put him to bottom ranking for all of the keywords that he was shooting for. He did make it to the top for some keywords, but none of them are appropriate enough that I could mention them here.

That's what happens. . .


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