Paintball Extravaganza in Hutchinson, KS

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ever make a great plan only to get to excited about what you are going to go do and forget the whole damn plan and end up having to wing it?

The LogicMaze staff (most of us) and some of our friends/family went paintballing last Thursday at Extreme Crossfire.

We forgot to call everyone and remind them before the day of the party, only 10 of the 20 people we invited remembered to put it on their schedule.

We forgot to bring a camera, not one single picture was taken all night.

We still had an incredible time and will definitely be planning another party out there. What a great place for a company party or a birthday party. Great people running the place that are honestly concerned about whether or not you feel like you got your moneys worth. If you are within driving distance of Hutchinson, Ks and want to have some great, extremely affordable fun. Give them a call at (620) 664-7262 or check out their site here!

Tamara, who is the boss around here got some embarrassing bruises. Might ask here about them next time you run into here!!!!

Immitation is the highest form of flattery.

Monday, June 11, 2007

So they say.

The question is: when it crosses over into ripping someone off, is it still flattering? Other guys at the office brought to my attention this site. Looking at the site itself, that's obviously not what I'm referring to as the copying. HOWEVER! If one were to view the source on their site as well as ours. . .well:
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="website designer hutchinson ks website design website designer hutchinson kansas mcpherson wichita salina newton reno county kansas web site design shopping cart sell items online">

<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Website designer - Hutchinson Ks Website design by a Hutchinson Kansas website designer -

Serving All of Kansas including clients in Wichita Salina Mcpherson and several other states offers logical thinking, graphic design, website hosting, logo design, search engine optimization, Ecommerce.">

You'll just have to take my word that ours was there first. If you try to, you can find the navigation links on their site (white on white background, but they highlight red on rollover) and navigate to the contact page to learn that they run out of Miami, but have an office in Olathe. Why, then, would they shoot for Hutchinson in their Meta info? Maybe they answered that question for me: "Your conpetitors....already have an website!" *cough*spell check*cough*

Absolutely they do! Just use their stuff!
Anyway, I'm a total jerk for bagging on these guys, but I just had to. I mean. . .