All my hard work down the drain!

Friday, August 24, 2007

For the past several months I have kinda ignored my duties here at LogicMaze to work on my first Novel.

Here's the premise of the story:

A bunch of guys who are nerds and geeks in the truest sense have decided to band together. The form a website about being nerdy and geeky and profess their wisdom and pride in such matters. Then out of nowhere their Golden Calf type idol loses some weight, shaves his head, gets a decent wardrobe and they turn on him. They comlpetely destroy his life by inferring he is a sell out and they now hate him. Ends up though that the guy is making Bazillions of dollars is actually a cool guy and has the greatest job in the world and somehow he doesn't seem to give a rat's ass what these guys think, nor should any other human being in the world.

Anyhow that's the story, I took it to my lawyers and literary agent and we were just about to start pitching it to publishers when our crack legal staff discovered someone else had already written this exact same story. HERE IT IS!!

CRAP!! Back to the drawing board.