MitchHole Storage to Announce Announcement of Potential Expansion

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

"I'm pretty excited. My business capacity will double. . .more than double," said Mitchell in reference to the acquisition of more storage space for his underground storage company: MitcheHole Storage.

MitchHole Storage was started when one young entrepreneur came up with the genious idea of digging a hole in his back yard and offering to bury people's most valuable possessions in it for safe keeping. I was fortunate to sit down and have an interview with Mitchell: proprietor of MitchHole Storage.

Good Morning, Mitchell.

Good morning, how are you today?

So you're announcing an expansion of your business facilities. . .

Actually, I'm not announcing the expansion just yet. What I'm actually doing is announcing that there will be an announcement soon about the expansion of MitchHole storage, which will afford us more space for the storage of people's most valuable possessions.

So you're announcing an announcement?


O.k. Will there be any new services offered or just an increase in space?

Well, we will begin offering private vaults like that one over there.

That's a Coleman cooler. . .

Right. . .

Moving on: You run your business out of your back yard. This brings me to the question of how you intend to expand without buying one of your neighbors' property.

Don't worry about it. Let's just say that none of my neighbors is gonna be able to build a pool.

Following that comment, I felt it necessary to end the discussion for fear of having to testify at a court date in the future.


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